
Etienne Charles – Interview By George Hahn

Etienne Charles – Interview By George Hahn


His music combines jazz with calypso and Afro-Carribbean beats. This type of eclecticism can also be found in Etienne Charles’s approach to dressing. The man loves suits. Really. He loves Suits. But these are not your typical gray flannel variety – Etienne collaborates with his favorite tailors to improvise and craft pieces that reflect his truly unique style. Etienne dresses the way he approaches his music and his life, with pure joy. “I’m from a family of people that expresses themselves visually. I’m from a place where – back in the day – people used to dress up to go sit on the corner.”

Download SARTO in our newsstand to learn more about Etienne Charles’s signature style. Discover his music at www.etiennecharles.com


Native New Yorker


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